Here at DCBC, we use the Sunday School hour (9:00am) to equip our people to live out their faith in ways that glorify God. Our classes vary depending on the needs of the congregation. At different times we have explored our Confession of faith, early church history, parenting, financial stewardship, various books of the Bible etc. For information on our children's Sunday School, click here.
Our Current Classes:
1 Samuel
Location: Fellowship Hall
Time: Sundays @ 9:00am
Content: A verse-by-verse exploration through the book of 1 Samuel.
Membership Explored Class
Location: Room 212
Time: Sundays @ 9:00am - Starting March 3rd
Content: If you are interested in learning more about DCBC and what it means to be a member of our church this is the class for you. This no-obligation 3-week class covers membership, doctrine, discipline and history of our church. This is the first step in the membership process.
For more information contact: Pastor Dustin Saunders