The music Ministry of DCBC exists to lead the congregation in loud singing to the glory of God, exalting Christ in His life, death, and resurrection, and magnifying all of God's attributes. We seek out songs that are deeply rooted in the truth of God's Word, and are musically excellent and relevant for today. Like well-trained scribes we search the 2,000 history of music within the church for treasures both old and new (Matthew 13:52).
We want to sing loudly of His worth, Psalm 47, and proclaim His excellent greatness, Psalm 150. While worshiping with our head and heart, both mind and body, and in spirit and truth, John 4:23. Come be a part of our celebration through singing, as we seek to make a joyful noise together, Psalm 95!
On the Lord's Day we sing accompanied by a small team of musicians.
On the Lord's Day Evening Worship (monthly) we sing accompanied by organ or piano.
During our monthly prayer meeting (last Wednesday), we sing Psalms acapella.
For a sample (not all of our songs are recorded) of what we sing on the Lord's Day see the playlist below.
If you have any questions please contact, Pastor Dustin Saunders.